DAP – Delivered At Place

Loading at origin
Export customs declaration
Carriage to port of export
Unloading in port of export
Loading on vessel in port of export
Carriage to port of import
Unloading in port of import
Loading in port of import
Carriage to port
InsuranceImport customs clearance
Import duties and taxes
DAPDAP - Delivered At Place (in italiano: reso al luogo di destinazione e indicante il luogo di destinazione convenutoSISISISISISISISISISINONO



Until the new regulation entered into force, in 2010, the closest equivalent term was Delivered Ex Ship (explicitly applied to sea and inland waterway transport), but “DAP” has also replaced Delivered At Frontier and Delivered Duty Unpaid (which were used for other modes of transport). The new term can be used for any mode of transport.
DAP means that the seller takes on all the risks and costs of delivering goods to an agreed-upon location. This means the seller is responsible for everything, including packaging, documentation, export approval, loading charges, and ultimate delivery (including costs incurred for crossing other countries to reach the final destination). The seller shall also bear any costs for obtaining export licences and documents from the country of origin and those for customs export operations. The place of delivery shall be specified.