CPT – Carriage Paid To

Loading at origin
Export customs declaration
Carriage to port of export
Unloading in port of export
Loading on vessel in port of export
Carriage to port of import
Unloading in port of import
Loading in port of import
Carriage to port
Import customs clearance
Import duties and taxes
CPTCPT - Carriage Paid To (porto pagato fino a)SISISISISISINONONONONONO



Used for any mode of transportation, it requires the seller to bear all transport costs to the place of destination, as well as any costs for obtaining export licences and documents from the country of origin and those for customs export operations. The costs incurred for crossing other countries to reach the final destination are also borne by the seller.
Once the goods reach the place of destination, all other costs shall be borne by the buyer, including customs fees in the country of destination. The term is considered as complete with the named place of destination (for example, C.P.T. Milan).